Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Can you have too many goals?

"Too many goals?"

The influence of goals on human behavior is more complicated than you would dream listening to your second favorite personal development guru.

You will certainly find that too many goals creates no results. That's going to happen.

What your guru doesn't know is that those goals that are set on the backburner so you can "focus" on the most important goal, then become "stronger" and typically inhibit (slow down/stop) significant action from being taken on the "A Goal."

Thus the baloney line, "A little bit each day gets you there," comes into play. Except for one thing. It rarely works that way in real life.

One solution to the problem is to have a unifying desired outcome that allows you to meet several "goals" with one sequence of actions.

"I want to earn more money, be more attractive to others, and write a book," are 3 goals. If you work on goal #3 it gets you the other two as well when you acquire.

If you work on goal #1 it gets you neither of the other two.

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