Friday, February 22, 2013

Money. Is it essential?

Money -

At age 18 students were asked how important having money and wealth were to them. I'll get to what happened in the study in a second.

Having been poor, lower class from age 4 - 14 and a grand total of two years in the lower middle class at 18, I would have answered, "Essential..."

In fact the more important having money/wealth was to students 20 years ago, the higher their income was when measured.

Each point higher on a scale that was checked represented dramatic increases in the future.

What about for married but not working women at the 20 year mark?

Same result.

They married those who would go on to achieve higher incomes.

Being "unemployed" is almost 100% state of mind. Building wealth is the same. In fact there is no difference between the entrepreneur or salesperson who wakes up on to a "straight commission" sales position and the unemployed. Want to help someone who feels they are "down on their luck?"

Ask them why it is essential that their luck changes NOW.